Friday 20 March 2009

gone off blogging

still here. just not as much.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

saint paddy's day!

i think the only reason america celebrates saint patrick day is for the alcohal business to sell more well alcohal. america is lovely isnt it? i also had a physical today. i feel kinda weird when they are all over you. i dont understand how my boob has a pulse. i need to get 3 shots sometime in the near future too. my black belt test is in a couple weeks and im nervous as hell. its like a huge deal. im still trying to blog more. sorry.

Saturday 14 March 2009


so tonight i went to a scremo concert with sarah, max, andrew, and tony. i wasnt really expecting to becoem like good friends with andrew but now we have like inside jokes that have been formed in one night. like when the last band was singing max, sarah, and tony were gone a for a bit soi followed andrew to where the mosher people were. and i was like terrified that i was going to get killed. but the closes they got weas that they back me into other people and almost kicked my head. BUTHEY im alive so thats good. also there was like a water bottle that i swear was suspened in air for like 10 seconds then finally landed right in front of my feet when i thought it was going to hit me. of course that could of been because of all the smokers that were there, and there was a possibility that i got contact high. but yeah fun! then the final band said the words that made it all worth while. 'girls we knwo you want to CONCUR THE COCK. and for you guys go on and FUCK THAT FUCKING PUSSY' so yes i have a feeling that andrew and i have the beinnging of a beautiful friendship coming along ^_____________^

Tuesday 10 March 2009

its been

ages i know. i still miss you..

Thursday 5 March 2009

sda broke my heart.

so i didnt get in. theres a chance that i can still get in if 40 people leave the district. which, according to sarah is very possible. but i dont know, i was like freaking out because ive been planning to go there for ages. i cant really imagine going anywhere else. well, hopefully everything turns out for the best. got to be opptimistic i suppose.

Monday 2 March 2009


were watching wall-e in school tomorrow. im getting out a little later but i love wall-e so its okay.
i also love charlie lots.

Sunday 1 March 2009


thats a relief.